When I first started this site, my focus was on helping people get healthier and happier.
Somewhere along the lines, I ended up laser-focused on weight loss articles and losing body fat.
And while these are still good goals to have, I’m a firm believer that getting healthier is the fastest way to lose weight.
I also believe that focusing on weight loss alone is futile and can lead to unhealthy obsessions and binges.
So to switch gears, I’m sharing some of the best health tips I’ve heard from two leading experts, Dr. Josh Axe and Dr. Peter Attia, in today’s guide.
These tips go beyond eating healthy and getting enough exercise.
And I’m sure a few of them will blow your mind, like they did for me.
Instead of dragging this out further, let’s jump right in.
#1: Dr. Josh Axe’s Approach Using Chinese Medicine
Some of you may already be familiar with Dr. Josh Axe.
He’s a best-selling author, podcaster, and he’s created a ton of health products under his huge empire.
He’s also a former chiropractor who transitioned into practicing Chinese Medicine.
What you may not know — I didn’t at least — is that he also helped his mom reach remission during her second cancer diagnosis.
And he’s helped her maintain this for over 15 years now.
This definitely got my attention but it’s what he said next that kept it.
In the episode I tuned into with Perfect Keto founder Dr. Anthony Gustin, Dr. Axe shared a ton of information that really resonated with me.
Some of the highlights in his episode include:
1. “That average weight gain of just being about 20 pounds overweight, doubles your risk of cancer, triples your risk of a heart attack, and triples your risk of diabetes. All just by 20 pounds.”
If that didn’t make your jaw drop, re-read the statement…I’ll even help.
20 pounds is all it takes to double your risk of cancer, triple for a heart attack, and triple your risk of getting diabetes.
Just 20 pounds.
That’s insane if you ask me.
And it’s worth getting rid of from a health standpoint, not just for vanity.
2. Dr. Axe also talked more about eating seasonally and for your body type, two principles straight from Chinese Medicine.
If you’re someone who is always cold, for example, or you’re currently reading this in a cooler month, choose warming foods that comfort the body.
So instead of choosing cold smoothies just because Instagram and the latest health article mentioned it, reach for soups and stews.
3. The next point Dr. Axe brings up is the importance of getting enough collagen.
And this goes beyond just having better skin, hair, or nails and fancy skin creams.
Here’s what he said specifically, “There’s more collagen in your bones than calcium. Somebody decided with a milk commercial to make calcium a big deal. Collagen is actually more important in your bones than calcium.”
So instead of loading up on cow’s milk, start including more bone broth into your day.
Not only is this a rich source of collagen, it’s also great for improving your gut lining and healing a leaky gut.
4. On top of adding collagen, Dr. Axe stresses the importance of herbs and spices.
He mentions, “Broccoli is amazing, kale is amazing. But cilantro, parsley, turmeric, cinnamon, and rosemary blow broccoli and kale out of the water in terms of their nutrient density and medicinal effects in the body.”

So if you’re not already loading up on spices like these — fresh or dried — you’re missing out. Don’t make this easy mistake and start experimenting to find ones you like.
As I learned from Diane SanFilippo, under seasoning your food is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to eating healthy.
Spices don’t add calories and sugar like sauces do.
Plus, you get added health benefits that don’t come with artificial sauces.
5. I also loved that Dr. Axe said that CBD is the most effective herb on the planet.
He believes it’s incredible for calming the central nervous system, and I could definitely see that.
CBD worked wonders for our sick pup and gave him a quality of life he would have never had without it.
Dr. Axe said CBD is great for anxiety and may help some people with sleep.
I believe he mentioned starting with 10mg doses but don’t quote me on that one.
Up next is a longevity expert by the name of Dr. Peter Attia.
#2: Dr. Peter Attia’s Strategies for Living Longer
I wasn’t as familiar with Dr. Peter Attia until this episode but his message was so powerful I had to share it.
1. First, he talked about what it means to focus on longevity.
This isn’t just about living as long as possible.
It means optimizing both lifespan (how long you live) and health span (your quality of life).
2. Dr. Attia also revealed in this episode that whether you live to 100 isn’t just determined by your genes. Rather, “People who live the longest experience chronic disease the latest.”
So the goal is to delay and prevent the onset of chronic diseases.
3. People who live to 100, according to Dr. Attia, aren’t immune from death; but they are protected.
This is because they have a 20-year phase shift, where chronic disease starts much later in life for them, according to Dr. Attia.
So the question is, how do you delay chronic disease and live to 100 while still being able to enjoy life?
4. Dr. Attia believes, “Any effort at living longer has to begin with foundation of minimizing insulin resistance or maximizing glucose disposal and insulin sensitivity.”
Eating foods that won’t spike your insulin is one way to maintain stable energy levels, but it’s not the only thing.

5. Something interesting that Dr. Attia noticed about himself is that when he was under a lot of stress, he had high blood sugar levels — in the 120s and 130s — at night.
So you can’t look at insulin problems as just a dietary issue.
If you’re constantly stressed out, you’re setting yourself up for the same metabolic damage as eating too much sugar. Don’t do this!
Look for ways to destress that don’t involve food, such as journaling, meditating, practicing yoga, or going for a walk.
There are plenty of easy and affordable outlets that can help you manage stress levels better.

I’m a huge fan of all of those and have found great success with each!
Final Thoughts
As tempting as it is to always focus on losing weight and body fat — I know, I get it, I encourage you to look at this through a different lens; one of health and longevity.
I wholeheartedly believe that getting healthier will lead to weight loss and that focusing on weight loss alone is futile.
By putting your attention on health, you’ll set yourself up for a better quality of life which in turn gives your family a better quality of life too.
So if you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your kids and grandkids.
And if you’re like me and don’t have either yet, you can still focus on health and longevity.
In the short term, you’ll have better energy levels and improved productivity which can help set you up for a lifetime of success.
If you want to check out these podcast episodes in their entirety, check out these links below:
And if you’re looking for some more help or have questions about this guide, feel free to reach out Devan@behappynothangry.com.
To living to 100+ and enjoying every step of the way,