Build More of This & Success is Almost Guaranteed
What if I told you that I could predict the one thing holding you back from achieving your goals? I know, it’s a big claim. But it’s true. As my headline suggests, if you could learn how to build more of this, I can almost guarantee success. Yep, that’s TWO big claims now. Before you […]
Combating Procrastination (Part 3): Moving Beyond the Basics
We’re finally rounding out this three part series on procrastination. In the first post of the series, we talked about why we procrastinate, the different types of procrastinators, and how being tired is our most common excuse for procrastinating. If you haven’t checked out that article yet, you’ll want to head over here. As for […]
Combating Procrastination (Part 2): How to Actually Overcome This Crap
In the first post of this three part series, we talked about why we procrastinate, the different types of procrastinators, and a simple trick to combat procrastination and those times when we’re feeling unmotivated. If you haven’t checked out that article yet, you’ll want to head over here first. As we move along, we’re going […]
Combating Procrastination: Here’s Why We Do It
Procrastination was something I struggled with for way too long. Longer than I care to admit that’s for sure. But I also came to the realization that most of us do. And we’ve been doing it since we were kids in school. Yet, instead of kicking the nasty habit once we graduated, we’ve only snowballed […]
6 Fears Holding Most of Us Back (& How to Tackle Them)
If I asked you right now what you’re scared of, what would you say? Aside from the usual clowns, heights, and spiders, I’d bet you’d answer something close to I don’t really have anything that scares me. But the truth is, we all have fears deep down inside. And sometimes these fears don’t surface as […]
My Favorite Fat-burning Workout: How to Burn Over 400 Calories in 45 Minutes
Hate running? Me too. Tired of the slow results that walking-only or cardio heavy workout plans provides you? Ditto. So what can you do? Focus on high intensity interval training. Before I lose you, hear me out. Efficiency in the Fat Burning Zone With high intensity interval training, you’re jacking your heart rate up for […]
One Stupid Simple Reason Why You’re Not Losing Weight
Raise your hand if learning a new language comes naturally for you or if it was one of your favorite things to study in school. Now, I want you to raise your hand if you’ve mastered this whole eating healthy and exercising everyday thing. Of course, you can’t see me and I can’t see you. […]
It’s Time to Throw Out Your “Lose 10 lbs” New Year’s Resolution
Yep. I said it. Throw out that “Lose 10 lbs” New Year’s Resolution. It’s wasting your time and could be causing you to gain more weight than when you started. You see, I had this stupid resolution at one point too. In fact, it used to come around every time bathing suit season snuck up […]