The Top 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism, According to Science

Have you always thought you had a slow metabolism or that it’s been slowing down over the years? If so, you wouldn’t be alone — there’s hundreds of supplements, programs, and other products promoting that they can help improve metabolism because so many people feel like this. The good news is, […]
The Number One Thing to Focus On When You Can’t Squeeze a Workout In

What if I told you there was an easy way to burn calories and fat throughout your day and it didn’t involve having to spend 30 minutes or more working out? I know what you’re thinking — it sounds too good to be true, right? Normally I’d say it is but this […]
Fiber Benefits: Why You Need This Important Nutrient for Better Health

Discover the fiber benefits and why this important nutrient is so valuable to our health. Learn more now!
How to Lower Your Calories Without Starving Yourself

These seven tips will help you naturally lower your calories without feeling hungry or deprived.
2 Crazy Effective At-Home Workouts That’ll Help You Torch Calories

Thanks to Covid, and being 26 weeks pregnant, going to the gym is no longer an option for me. I was hoping this pandemic would have been over sooner but, unfortunately, it’s not looking that way as you’ve probably already noticed. When our cases went down in Florida, I received the all-clear from my doctor […]
The Best and Worst Diet and Exercise Plans

You’ve probably heard the advice: “the best diet and exercise plans are the ones you can stick to and enjoy.” And while that statement does have truth to it, this is the end result, which is often harder to get to. How can you tell what you’ll enjoy without trying everything under the sun and […]
Improve Your Chances of Working Out With These 4 Exercise Hacks

If you want a flatter stomach, you’re better off focusing on your diet; exercise alone won’t get you there. With this hard to reach area, you’d see more progress changing your diet first and then using exercise as the tool to come in and fine-tune and tone things. And this is true for most people; […]
4 Stupid-Simple Hacks to Make Eating Healthy Easier

If you Google this topic, there’s plenty of guides out there that give you 50+ hacks on healthy eating. My goal is not to re-hash those or bore you with ones you already know, although you should drink more water. So, to save you time, here are my favorite healthy eating hacks that you may […]
How to Enjoy Cheat Meals Without Slowing Down Your Progress

Pop quiz: how long does a cheat meal affect you? . . . . . Did you answer? . . . . . . If you guessed, between 48-72 hours[*], you’d be right! Surprised to see that? After all, the treat only lasts about 5 to 10 minutes to eat at most, yet the damage […]
Want to Lose Fat & Get Leaner? These 10 Tips Will Help

Are you struggling to lose fat? Wondering why you’re not getting any leaner, despite your best efforts? While I can’t personally see you through the screen, I can show you what the most common mistakes are when it comes to losing fat and toning up. I’ve seen these mistakes in some of my former clients […]
Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss: Here’s What You Should Focus On (But Probably Aren’t)

Let me guess. You want to lose weight You’re frustrated with the number staring back at you on the scale A good morning means you’ve managed to chisel away at that number even if it’s only by a few pounds On “bad” days, the number gets higher than you’d like and defeat or thoughts of […]
5 Stupid Simple Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Metabolism & Causing Weight Gain

Okay, so there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ve heard the word metabolism before. It’s plastered in every weight loss magazine and diet ad known to man. So you know of it, but do you really know what it means? If I was standing right in front of you instead of behind this screen, […]
4 Low Calorie Drinks that Will Cut Cravings & Give You Energy

We all know we’re supposed to drink a crap load (my favorite number) of water each day, but sometimes that gets real boring. Sure, you could add a fresh lemon squeeze here or a cucumber slice there. You could even get fancy and add 2-3 fruits at once if you dare. But if we’re being […]
Planning Ahead Instead of Meal Prepping: Easy Tips for Busy People

This is not your typical meal prepping guide. I’m not going to tell you to sacrifice a few hours on your day off to prepare the same meal of chicken and broccoli everyday. I’m also not going to tell you what to eat specifically either. Instead, I’m going to dish out a few simple (and […]
My Favorite Fat-burning Workout: How to Burn Over 400 Calories in 45 Minutes

Hate running? Me too. Tired of the slow results that walking-only or cardio heavy workout plans provides you? Ditto. So what can you do? Focus on high intensity interval training. Before I lose you, hear me out. Efficiency in the Fat Burning Zone With high intensity interval training, you’re jacking your heart rate up for […]