If you’ve read any of my articles before then you know how much I talk about eating your veggies and how important fiber is.
But what if you don’t like the taste of vegetables or you have a hard time eating them?
Or maybe you even have a picky eater on your hands that feels like veggies are the worst foods in the world.
Are you doomed to miss out on the benefits of fiber just because veggies aren’t your thing (or theirs)?
The good news is there’s two fabulous (and easy) recipes that can help you hide them if necessary so that you can increase your veggie intake.
Even better news is these recipes go beyond just adding spinach or cauliflower to your smoothies, which can get old.
And, as a special bonus, I’m sharing my top two favorite tips for making veggies taste irresistible. Simply enter your name and email below to snag your free copy now!
2 Clever Ways to Sneak More Veggies Into Your Diet
Try these two veggie hacks today and you’ll likely find they’re not so bad and, hey, you may even become addicted to them (they’re that good!):
1. Make Your Own Sauce from Roasted Veggies
I know, that sounds like a lot of work — who has time to make their own sauce, right?
I promise it’s not as hard or time-consuming as it sounds so I encourage you to keep reading.
And, one more thing to note – I can’t take the credit for this one but I have been sharing its praise since I discovered it.
I found this super easy and delicious recipe (it’s literally a screenshot) from Holistic Nutritionist @AndreaGraceWellness over on Instagram and have since made it several times and shared it with anyone who might be interested in it.
You basically chop everything up, add all of the ingredients to a baking sheet, cover in olive oil and spices, and bake.
Once the veggies are nice and tender, you blend them up to make an incredible sauce.
I deviated from the recipe a bit and used heavy cream instead of feta cheese to make it more like a creamy ala vodka sauce (see image above) and I don’t regret it. Eric, Jett, and I love it and go through it so fast.
We make it weekly and add it to meatballs and pasta (I do shirataki noodles to cut down the carbs) and it’s absolutely delicious on anything — you could easily use it as a pizza sauce.
And, since everything is blended together, you still get all of that great fiber from each vegetable.
This one is definitely a must-make-asap type of recipe and then it becomes a make-it-again-asap recipe.
2. Try This Easy Cauliflower Cheese Sauce
I haven’t personally made this Easy Cauliflower Cheese Sauce from Yummy Toddler Food yet (it’s on my to-do list!), but I’m sure it’s going to be a hit based on the ingredients, which is why I saved it and why I’m sharing it with you.
You’ve probably heard that you can add frozen cauliflower to your smoothies, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, but did you know you could make a creamy, dreamy cheese sauce with it too?
I didn’t either. Talk about mind-blown.
Now, you do have to cook the cauliflower in this recipe (as opposed to keeping it frozen in your smoothies) but you can start with frozen ones to save time.
Once your cauliflower is cooked, you simply add it to the blender with the rest of the ingredients and voila! it’s done.
[This image is not mine — it’s from the recipe]
[This image is not mine — it’s from the recipe]
According to the recipe, you can use it as a vegetable dip (I recommend lightly steaming the vegetables instead of eating them raw to help with digestion) or pour it over macaroni for a better-for-you mac and cheese.
Give the recipe a try and let me know how it goes.
I’ll also share an update once I make it so keep an eye out for that post coming soon.
Sneak More Veggies Into Your Diet Today
Now that you have these two easy and delicious recipes at your disposal, it’s time to get cooking!
Choose one recipe to master at a time and see how you or your family likes them.
I bet they’ll have no trouble enjoying them — they really are delicious!
Don’t forget to download my free bonus resource that gives you two easy tips to making veggies taste oh-em-gee delicious:
If you do decide to make them, shoot me an email at devan@behappynothangry.com, message me on Instagram, or use the hashtag #BeHappyNotHangry to share how it went.
I’d love to hear from you!
To eating delicious food and veggies,
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