Everything You Need to Know About Stubborn Belly Fat (Including How to Fix This)

Most of us have it, and yet you probably hate it just as much as the next person does.

It’s also the first thing many people want to get rid of any time you start a new exercise or healthy eating plan.

I’m talking about stubborn belly fat.

The kind that hangs around for way too long and refuses to budge when you want it to.

To help you understand why fat does this and how to reverse things so you can finally get rid of the extra spare tire you’ve been carrying around, today’s guide covers:

  • Why we develop fat here specifically
  • Who is more likely to develop abdominal fat
  • Why it’s so dangerous
  • My top tips for finally getting rid of it

First, you should understand who is at risk for gaining weight around the midsection.

Why Do We Develop Belly Fat?

The sad reality is there’s a number of different factors that can contribute to unwanted belly fat.

One of the biggest culprits comes from eating a diet that’s rich in sugary drinks and snacks, high fructose corn syrup, and refined grains such as those found in things like pastas, pastries, white bread, and crackers.

Potato chips and french fries aren’t any better either, even if they’re made from potatoes.

But these aren’t even the only contributing factor here.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise can also cause you to gain weight around your stomach.

Stress is another big contributor to consider.

When you’re stressed out and your body goes into overdrive, it also sends way too much cortisol, the stress hormone, into your system.

This imbalance throws your entire homeostasis off and causes your body and other hormones to negatively react to the imbalance, in some cases, by storing fat in your stomach.

Changing hormones as you age also shifts the natural balance and can throw things off.

Another point to consider here is that your metabolic rate changes as you age too.

This is simply the amount of calories it takes to run your body efficiently.

As you get older, most people tend to go down in their activity levels, no surprise there.

But if you’re not making the right calorie adjustment, which most of us aren’t, you’re setting yourself up for weight gain.

You can see that there isn’t just one thing to battle when it comes to fighting belly fat; you’re dealing with several things fighting against you.

And it’s not just you.

The following groups of people are also more at risk for developing stubborn belly fat:

  • Office workers
  • Sedentary people
  • Women in menopause
  • Anyone who consumes a few alcoholic drinks per sitting
  • Smokers

Adult men are also in trouble, especially if craft beers are added into the picture and once active lifestyles turn into once a month activities at most instead.

The problem is that it’s not just a vanity issue here.

So if you’re thinking Who cares what my stomach looks like? I’m married or practically married for that matter. My spouse and I don’t care what my stomach looks like, understand that stomach fat can be detrimental to your health as you’ll see next.

Why Is Belly Fat So Dangerous?

There’s two types of fat.

Both can be annoying and frustrating.

But one can wreak havoc on your health.

Let’s start with the not-so-dangerous-but-just-as-bad fat, also known as subcutaneous fat.

Breaking the word down, sub is below and cutaneous is skin.

So this is the fat that sits just below the surface of your skin.

You’ll see this fat in the form of having what seems like fat on your back or on your love handles.

While this fat is annoying to deal with, it’s not nearly as deadly for you as this next kind: visceral fat.

This type of fat is sneaky.

It’s not as visible on the surface and that’s because it’s wrapped around your organs.

Yes, you read that right.

Visceral fat is the kind that disrupts your hormones and increases your risk for developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

It can also cause your body to increase inflammation.

If this is left to fester overtime into chronic inflammation, you’re then treading on messing up your entire system.

So how can you tell if you’re organs are covered in visceral fat?

Apple shapes (where fat tends to accumulate around your midsection) and pot bellies are the first sign that something’s not right.

why stomach fat is dangerous

A quick waist measurement can help you confirm or deny your suspicions.

To do this, measure your waist, the point in between your belly button and rib cage.

So your tape measure should go above your belly button but below the rib cage.

Do not suck in when you take this measurement either!

If your reading comes back with 35 inches or more for women or 40 inches or more for men, it’s time to take things more seriously.

The good news is that belly fat is reversible given the right strategy.

So to help you start doing just that, keep these tips in mind.

My Top 5 Belly-Fat-Burning Tips

I’ve already touched on some of my best fat burning tips in this guide so today I’ll talk about what you can do in addition to those tips to target belly fat specifically.

Be sure to check out that guide next if you haven’t already.

#1: Eat protein. On top of adding in more healthy fats and reducing your carbs a bit, it also pays to up your protein intake.

This macronutrient is not only filling, it also raises the heat in your body (a process known as thermogenesis) and causes it to burn calories just to process it.

So you’ll be burning fat as you digest it.

Keep in mind, that doesn’t mean you should reach for Big Macs or high-protein granola bars to reach a good protein amount.

In fact, it’s just the opposite.

Instead of dumping your body with a huge amount of protein, it’s better to weave a little bit throughout your day.

So, adding some nuts or seeds to your breakfast and having a few shrimp on your salad for lunch would be a good example.

Eat Seeds Daily

As some of you may remember, I tried going plant-based and found that once again, the protein intake was too challenging for me. I just found myself hungry all the time.

So while I try to eat as much plant-based sources of protein (spinach, kale, nuts, seeds, etc.), I still need to add in some fish and meat to get the rest, which is not ideal but it’s all I can do right now.

By filling up on protein, you’ll stay full and keep sugar cravings at bay.

You’ll also target that stupid belly fat once and for all, which is what happens when you load up on this next food.

#2: Pair your protein with fiber rich foods. Fiber also helps you feel full and it keeps you regular if you know what I mean.

But, that doesn’t mean you should load up on fiber rich granola bars and Metamucil.

Instead, slowly start incorporating more fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits into your meals.

The low carb veggies I mentioned this guide and this one are a great place to start.

These veggies help you add volume without dumping a bunch of calories in.

Eating fruits with their skin on can also help you add more natural fiber to your diet which will help to combat belly fat.

And there’s no getting around the fact that you need this in order to do that too:

#3. You need to exercise. I don’t care if you walk, bike ride, or practice yoga to start.

The goal is to get out and get moving. It’s that simple.

If you want to get rid of belly fat, then you need to burn more calories than you’re taking in.

And you need to consistently do this.

lose belly fat start today

When your body starts to adapt, which it will, you can then increase to adding weights and resistance.

Because cardio alone isn’t going to fix this, which I also talked about in that guide I mentioned earlier.

Being sedentary is the problem and getting active is the solution, along with this next tip.

#4: You also need to get your stress in check. Ask anyone you know and they probably have a few stresses of their own.

The reality is everyone has stressful situations in life.

But it’s how you handle these things that matter.

I used to be way more stressed out until I realized how detrimental it was for my health.

Now, I meditate everyday and journal when I’m feeling especially low. And I do these things during the good days and the times when I don’t want to do anything.

Because I know that these things will have a positive affect on my mental and physical health, so I make them a top priority.

While I’d love to practice more yoga, I have to admit that I have not been consistent with it and it’s something I want to get back to.

For now, I’m trying to stay consistent with the meditating and journaling and have been because I’m addicted to the positive results.

And I can tell you from experience that the extra weight I had on my stomach area is finally starting to take a hike.

The same thing will happen when you stay away from:

#5: Steer clear of stimulants too. Stimulants are different for each person.

Some people prefer coffee over candy while others want gummy bears for dinner.

reduce stomach fat

Your stimulant of choice may be a nice cold beer after a long day or a neat whisky instead.

At any rate, alcohol, sugar, and caffeine can also be adding to your unwanted tummy troubles.

Even just a few extra servings of these guys can be enough to make things worse and disrupt your hormone balance.

Before you decide to consume even just one more serving, ask yourself if you’d rather get rid of the belly fat or add to it instead.

The choice is yours.

For the rest of my fat burning tips to add to these, be sure to check out this guide next.

And if you’re struggling with accountability or finding the time to get things done, these guides are for you (one and two, respectively).

Start Chiseling Away at Unwanted Belly Fat Today

Now that you know how dangerous belly fat can be, and you have a pretty good idea of how to get rid of it, there’s no excuses.

Remember, this isn’t just a vanity issue anymore.

For your health and your family’s sake, it’s worth the extra effort to start chiseling away at stubborn belly fat starting today. Not tomorrow.

Because we all want you to be here for more than just tomorrow.

Sending you the help you need to get rid of belly fat today,

Have a question about today’s topic? You can email me direct (devan@behappynothangry.com) or ask a question in my private Facebook group.