The Top 4 All-Natural Supplements I Swear By

Before I get into the supplements I take and swear by, I want to let you know that I’m not paid or sponsored by any of these recommendations.

I’ve personally found these supplements help me feel better and they help fill in the gaps from what I’m not getting in my diet.

In addition, I’m not recommending any crazy pre-workouts or skinny teas that jack you up and mess with your system. Instead, I’m sharing the top four all-natural supplements I take every day and why I think they’re so beneficial.

With that out of the way, here’s:

The Top 4 All-Natural Supplements I Take Every Day and Swear By

I know you’re probably going to scan this list to see what I take and then run along on your way without reading the rest. But I’d encourage you to take the time to read the why and the caveats so that you can get the most out of this post.

I promise there’s some things you’ll want to consider before popping these.

#1: Organic Whole-Food Multivitamin

You’ve probably heard that you should take a multivitamin everyday but I’d argue that’s only half the story.

Even if you are doing that, you may not realize that there is a difference between your options, aside from just price.

You may have heard that all vitamins are the same and that you can just go with the cheapest option.

Or you may have even heard, “why bother taking vitamins when you just pee them out anyway?”

I used to believe both of those statements and, after some digging, I now think otherwise.

First, it’s important to know that cheaper vitamins, especially those that come with 1000% of one vitamin or mineral are usually in a synthetic form.

This means the vitamin or mineral is lab created and that’s why they can afford to throw in so much for such a cheap price.

I’d argue that it’s these vitamins that you tend to pee out and they can even alter the color of your urine.

Once I read that, I stopped taking vitamins.

But this was a big mistake and one that I’ve gone back on.

Instead of taking these chemical vitamins, I “splurge” on what’s known as an organic whole-food multivitamin.

As the name suggests, instead of coming from a chemical form, these vitamins are made from real foods — imagine that. The one I use comes from over 30 organic fruits, veggies, and herbs.

The tablet is also made from organic plant material as a binder instead of chemical ones.

And because of that, I feel like they are better absorbed by your body and, because of that, you don’t just pee them out.

I started taking this style of vitamins back in October of 2019 and I don’t regret it. Yes, I have to spend a bit more, but it’s totally worth it.

See, vitamins in supplement form help to fill in the gaps.

After all, can you honestly admit that everyday you’re getting the right mix of fruits, veggies, and all of the important vitamins and minerals you need each day?

I know I can’t and I found this out when I started tracking my food.

So now I don’t mess around — I take a food-based multivitamin every day without fail.

And I have to admit that I do feel better and have seen a difference in my skin, hair, and nails just because those are pretty noticeable.

I also feel better knowing that, no matter what, I’m getting the nutrients I need to keep my body running strong.

This is the multivitamin I take (since I’m almost 22 weeks pregnant) and the brand that I trust (remember, I don’t make any money off of sharing this with you):

#2: Probiotics

I’ve mentioned my love with probiotics before so I won’t spend too much time here.

Essentially probiotics help to restore the natural balance in your gut.

Your gut contains trillions of bacteria — both good and bad — and there’s a lot of things that can upset this balance (such as stress, food preservatives, medications/prescriptions, alcohol, etc.).

You may notice that your gut is out of balance when you have uncomfortable symptoms like:

  1. Bloating
  2. Gas
  3. Skin issues
  4. Sugar cravings
  5. Allergies
  6. Food sensitivities
  7. Heartburn
  8. Even autoimmune issues if it gets serious

For me, I started taking probiotics to heal my gut and I have to say I’ve seen such a difference since doing so.

There’s a few different strains of probiotics you can get so, if you’ve had bad luck in the past with them, it may be time to experiment with a different type.

Similar to my multivitamin, I’m using probiotics from the brand Garden of Life, which happens to be local to where I live and formulated by Dr. David Perlmutter, which is a leading expert I trust.

These are the probiotics I’m using right now (since I’m almost 22 weeks pregnant) but the brand has a ton of different options — depending on your gender, age, mood, etc.:

I also want to note that I don’t use probiotics that need to be refrigerated.

Another point to mention — in some of my older articles, I also talk about taking digestive enzymes.

I use these on an as-needed basis now — I take them if stomach symptoms surface or if I eat an unusually unhealthy meal that I want to digest better.

When my stomach was in a big flare up, I’d take a digestive enzyme anytime I ate something.

Now, thankfully, my stomach is in much better order so I just take the enzymes as needed.

But, for the probiotic, I take that every day without fail:

#3: Liquid Fish Oil

You’ve probably heard about the importance of fish oil; I know I did long before I took it.

But that didn’t do much to encourage me to take it regularly.

It wasn’t until I started working with a coach that I started doing so.

Fish oil is good for a few reasons:

  1. Reducing inflammation in the body
  2. Offering support for your brain
  3. Lowering blood pressure
  4. Supporting heart health
  5. Better moods

Another reason to consider taking fish oil is that we don’t make these necessary nutrients — EPA and DHA to be exact.

So, unless you’re getting enough fish weekly — from sardines, salmon, trout, it can be hard to hit your quota each week.

You can also get these important omegas through foods like chia and flax seeds as well as omega fortified foods like eggs, but it’s really hard to hit your target every single day.

I eat those foods often and still don’t get enough, which is why I now supplement with fish oil.

My coach introduced me to the liquid fish oil and now it’s the only kind I use.

I take it like a shot each day and, to be honest, it tastes fine. It’s flavored and much easier than taking the pill form in my opinion — less fish burps and uncomfortable symptoms.

My coach also mentioned that many times the fish oil pills have already gone rancid which is why you’re getting those fishy burps in the first place.

So now I’ve switched to liquid fish oil, I keep it refrigerated, and I take it every day with no issues.

This is another supplement that I feel much better when I take it.

Here’s the brand I’m using (I get it on Amazon and it’s not an affiliate link) but I’ll also buy Vitamin Shoppes’ when they have a BOGO on their brand of fish oil:

#4: Magnesium

I started taking magnesium to help improve my cycle and boost my chances of fertility, but the more I researched it, the more I realized I should have taken it sooner.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies, according to Healthline.

And it’s one that many people don’t get enough of in their diets (again, guilty as charged myself).

That’s why supplementing can be so beneficial.

That same Healthline article mentions the following benefits with taking magnesium:

  1. Mood support, such as a decrease in depression
  2. Improvements in blood sugar and reduced risk of diabetes
  3. Reduced insulin resistance
  4. Lower blood pressure
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Migraine prevention
  7. Improved PMS symptoms
  8. Boost in exercise performance

The recommended amount of magnesium is 300-310 mg for women and 400-420 mg for men.

I’ve actually been taking 400 mg personally since before getting pregnant and while pregnant and found that dose is optimal for me (since I have preexisting health conditions).

Here’s the ones I take, which I get on Amazon (not an aff link):

Do You Take These Supplements? If Not, What Do You Take?

Now that you know more about the supplements I take, I’d love to hear from you.

Do you take any of the ones I’ve mentioned?

Would you consider trying any I’ve listed today?

Let me know in the comments below — I’d love to hear from you!

As usual, I do have to mention that I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice. I’m just sharing what works for me and why I choose to supplement with these.

I believe these supplements are safe for most people to take but I obviously can’t say that with 100% certainty since I don’t know your background or have a medical degree.

So if you’re curious about them, consider asking your doctor to see if they would be a good idea.

My guess is you won’t have any problems taking them but you should always confirm there’s no interactions with what you’re already taking.

Personally I’ve seen a huge difference since taking them so I’m 100% going to keep doing so for now. I’ll keep you posted if this ever changes or if I change what I take. You’ll be the first to know!

Sending you a positive boost today,


4 Responses

  1. It has been a while since we’ve seen each other but I do thank you for all the info on your blog.
    We are fine, practicing Safe distancing, mask and staying pretty close to hone.
    No gym, but we both do stretching, floor work plus I ride my bike 3-4days/wk(mostly in stand up position, swim 50 laps(various strokes) 3-4 days rotating with bike.
    So think we are ok. Oh yes, yard work a plenty.
    It is so exciting to hear of your pregnancy and know you are taking good care of yourself.
    Do you know boy or girl? ?due date?
    Please keep in touch-I do miss talking with you at gym.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Nancy! Thank you for reaching out — it’s always so great to hear from you! I totally miss seeing you and catching up with you at the gym. I appreciate the kind words on my blog post too. We just suspended our gym membership too because it was too risky. I’ve switched to home workouts myself. I love what you have going on! I’m just starting to get more pilates in — I’ve been doing weights + walking. My doctor nixed bike riding for a bit. I’m going to start swimming in a few weeks too — I didn’t want to take the chance with the crowded beaches. I’m also going to start gardening soon so I’m right there with ya with lawn work! I’m so glad to hear you are staying safe and active — those are great steps to take to keep yourself protected. Thank you for the kind words on the pregnancy too — we’re so excited. I’m having a boy and he’s due November 18th so far. Pregnancy is going well thankfully — I feel great and have managed to stay active so I’m beyond grateful. I would love to keep in touch more — is email the best way to reach you? I miss catching up with you at the gym too!

      Take care and thanks again for reaching out! I truly cherish our chats and miss them dearly!
      – Devan

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