66 Quotes That Will Definitely Get Your Butt in Gear

Get Your Butt in Gear


Do you ever feel stuck?


Maybe it started out as a bad day that spiraled into a bad week or maybe the last few months were rough.


Or maybe you just have this gut instinct that you’re in a rut where you don’t feel like your usual self — you’re exhausted yet wired at the same time, and you just know that something’s up and you can’t seem to pinpoint what’s going on.


If you’re at this point where you want to take the next step but mustering up the strength and courage to do so seems like an avalanche on your chest, today’s resource will help.


I’m sharing my top 66 quotes that have helped me get my butt in gear.


Fair warning – They’re not going to do the heavy lifting for you, but, they can help dust off the cobwebs and get those gears of yours in motion. My hope is that at least one of them will do just that for you.


To keep things simple, I’ve organized this massive list of quotes into sections. So if you’re resonating with a few quotes back to back, check out the resource link at the end of each section to see where those quotes came from.


And if you see a few quotes you like, be sure to bookmark this page so you can always refer back to it. 


One more thing — if you know someone else who could use these inspiring messages, don’t be afraid to share it 🙂


Alrighty, let’s dive in!


When Committing To Your Goals is Easier Said than Done

1. “Don’t dig around for reasons something won’t work for you — think about ways you can make it work.”


2. “Change can be hard – at least at first, until it becomes a habit.”


3. “If you’re not a little uncomfortable, you’re probably not committing to your bigger goals.”


4. “Your mind isn’t stupid — it has an amazing bullshit detector. If you want to commit, you need to give yourself a pretty damn good reason.”


5. “Committing is about figuring out the best way to reach your goals, not settling for just okay goals.”


6. “Completion trumps perfection.” (AMEN. That’s why this article is DONE and published… thank you very much)


7. “You don’t act because you feel motivated….you feel motivated because you act.”


8. “Motivation follows AFTER you start working on something.”


If these quotes hit home for you, check out Linda Formichelli’s book Commit: How to Blast Through Problems & Reach Your Goals Through Massive Action


Commit: How to Blast Through Problems & Reach Your Goals Through Massive Action


When You’re Feeling Low, Remember The Universe Has Your Back

1. “The way we perceive our life’s circumstances will determine how we respond to them.”


2. “We’re always manifesting either love or fear. It’s up to us to decide how we want to create our reality.”


3. “Your thoughts and words can affect your nervous system, your energy, and, really, your entire life experience.”


4. “The key to trusting in the Universe’s plan is to let go of all outcomes.”


5. “When we get hung up about how something ‘should’ turn out, we disconnect with the flow of the universal guidance.”


6. “The energy behind a ‘should’ mentality is controlling and manipulating. The Universe does NOT align with that energy.”


7. “If you walk around feeling defeated, doubtful, and sad, The Universe can’t supply you with high vibe positivity.”


8. “We judge others and ourselves through the lens of our past by projecting old experiences on to current situations.”


If you need a boost from The Universe, check out Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back.



If You Want to Be Better than Before

1. “Being ‘too tired’ is the most common reason people give for procrastinating,” according to procrastination expert Piers Steel.


2. “The desire to start something at the ‘right’ time is usually just a justification for delay. In almost every case, the best time to start is now.”


3. “Tomorrow logic wastes time, and also may allow us to deny that our current actions clash with our intentions.”


Liked these quotes? Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before could be a good read for you!



If You Want to Be a Badass, Follow These Quotes

1. “Let go of old, limiting beliefs and cling to your decision to create the life you desire like your life depends on it…because it does.”


2. “We live in a world of limitless possibilities.”


3. “Focus on that which makes you feel good and ye shall find (and attract) that which makes you feel good.”


4. “When we get so wrapped up in our own heads, we miss out on what’s available to us right now in the moment.”


5. “When taking great leaps forward, life often turns to shit before it turns to gold.”


6. “Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life.”


7. “Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our reality.”


8. “Get out of your head and take action. You don’t have to know exactly where [something] is going to take you, you just need to start with one thing that feels right. Keep following those ‘right’ feelings to see where they lead.”


9. “Through our thoughts, we create our realities.”


10. “Decide you’d rather be happy then right.”


11. “On the other side of your fear is freedom.”


12. “Decision is freedom. Indecision is torture.”


13, “The mind and the body are way more powerful together than either one is alone.”


If your inner badass is ready to come out, check out Jen Sicero’s You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.



These Quotes Can Help You Become Your Best Self

1. “When adversity arises, you have two choices:

Do nothing, let it overwhelm you, and fall victim to your circumstances or

Embrace the challenge and move towards the adversity instead of away, making it part of your success story.”


2. “When it comes to greatness, there is no room in life for excuses.”


3. “Our perspective is always our choice.” – Kyle Maynard


4. “Embrace the message failure is trying to send you.”


5. “We do more harm comparing ourselves rather than giving ourselves credit for where we are along our journey.”


6. “Express gratitude.”


7. “Let shit go.”


8. “The number one way to waste your talents is to allow bad habits to take over.”


9. “The consequences of a life led by bad habits are inevitable.”


10. “Be your word.”


If you liked these quotes, The School of Greatness is for you! P.S. This book is especially great for guys (lots of sports references, success stories of guys who have overcome sh!t, etc.).



Wouldn’t It Be Great if You Could Think and Grow Rich?

1. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”


2. “Desire is the starting point to all achievement.”


3. “There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.”


4. “Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.”


5. “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.”


6. “Temporary defeat should mean only one thing: there’s something wrong with your plan.”


7. “Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure.”


8. “Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires and through constant persistence.”


9. “Happiness is found in DOING not merely possessing.”


10. “To be successful, you must “AVOID the following negative emotions: fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, and anger.”


This book was hard to finish and some of the reviews call it racist, but, there are some good quotes buried in there. If you want more of these, check out Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.



Become More Successful With These Quotes as Your Motivation

1. “There are a thousand excuses for failure but never a good reason.” – Mark Twain


2. “The elevator to success is out of order, but the stairs are always open.” – Zig Ziglar


3. “When you turn toward the sunshine, the shadows fall behind you.” – Helen Keller (although multiple sources have been attributed too)


4. “Only 3% of adults have written goals, and everyone else works for those people.”


5. “Your television can make you rich or poor. If you watch it all the time, you will be poor.” (P.S. Your phone has the same power)


6. “Everyone who is doing well today was, at one point, doing poorly.”


7. “Most problems in relationships arise because of poor communication.”


8. “The key to excellent relationships with others is quite simple: make them feel important.”


When you’re struggling with discipline, check out Brian Tracy’s No Excuses.




The Secrets of Life Are Yours for the Taking

1. “You have a higher purpose.”


2. “The mystery of life is an expression not of random accidents but of one intelligence that exists everywhere.”


3. “A new experience isn’t really new, it’s just a slight twist on very familiar sensations.”


4. “The road to freedom is not through feeling good; it’s through feeling true to yourself.”


5. “The ego wants to be #1; therefore, it has no choice but to get caught up in never-ending game of comparing itself to others.”


6. “There is no time but now.”


If you need to hear more of these, check out The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra.



I hope you’ve enjoyed this list of quotes that I find useful during hard times. If you know someone who could use these, don’t be afraid to share it!

And if you want to continue the chat, head over to my private Facebook group.

For one-on-one chats, please don’t hesitate to email me direct at devan@behappynothangry.com.

With love,
