The Number One Thing to Focus On When You Can’t Squeeze a Workout In

What if I told you there was an easy way to burn calories and fat throughout your day and it didn’t involve having to spend 30 minutes or more working out? I know what you’re thinking — it sounds too good to be true, right? Normally I’d say it is but this […]
2021 Healthy Eating and Exercise Survey Results Are IN

Hi friends! I recently sent out a survey on social media and through my email newsletter (thank you if you took the time to complete it!) and I wanted to share the results to see if you can relate. When it comes to reaching health and fitness goals, 100% Surveyed want to live a healthy […]
2 At-Home Circuits That’ll Leave You Feeling Great

Now that I’m six months postpartum (as of writing this), I’m hoping to pump out more at-home workouts to share with you. These workouts are great if you’re short on time and you just want to squeeze something in that’ll still be effective. If this is your first time here (welcome!), I posted four workouts […]
2 More Awesome Full Body Circuits to Try

I received some awesome feedback — thank you!! — on the first two workouts I shared in this article, so I’m back with two more. I won’t get into too much detail on these workouts since I shared everything you need to know in that article. So if you want to know why I structure […]
2 Crazy Effective At-Home Workouts That’ll Help You Torch Calories

Thanks to Covid, and being 26 weeks pregnant, going to the gym is no longer an option for me. I was hoping this pandemic would have been over sooner but, unfortunately, it’s not looking that way as you’ve probably already noticed. When our cases went down in Florida, I received the all-clear from my doctor […]
Finding Motivation When You Feel Stuck or Down in the Dumps

If you haven’t already noticed — which I’m sure you have — getting motivated to work towards your goals is tough. Some days you’re fired up and ready to tackle your to-do list with lightning speed and others it’s a struggle just thinking about your goals. The thing is, this happens to everyone. We tend […]
The Best and Worst Diet and Exercise Plans

You’ve probably heard the advice: “the best diet and exercise plans are the ones you can stick to and enjoy.” And while that statement does have truth to it, this is the end result, which is often harder to get to. How can you tell what you’ll enjoy without trying everything under the sun and […]
Life Update + Mid-Covid Check-In

Hey guys! I hope you’re doing well, staying safe in quarantine, and, just as importantly, you’re staying sane through all of this. I know that being isolated and stuck inside is not easy and that it can definitely mess with you mentally and physically. Because of that, and for a few different reasons, I have […]
How to Stop Being a Perfectionist & Why This is Bringing You Down

“Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from taking flight.” – Brene Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W. I want you to read that quote one more time before you continue on with this article. “Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield that […]
How Intuitive Eating is the Anti-Diet Solution

Carbs are bad for you. No, sugar is the problem. Actually it’s meat that’s the issue. Or maybe you’re just eating too much. That’s essentially a small snapshot of the messages that our current diet culture sends out. You’re blasted with these in magazines, online, in your social feeds, and anywhere else they can cram […]
4 Mindset Shifts for Better Health and Success in Life

Be honest. Do you struggle to reach your goals? Or, despite having the best intentions, you just can’t seem to make the progress you’re hoping for? Wondering what gives? Are you just destined to be exactly where you’re at and nothing more? As the title of this guide suggests, it all comes down to your […]
Improve Your Chances of Working Out With These 4 Exercise Hacks

If you want a flatter stomach, you’re better off focusing on your diet; exercise alone won’t get you there. With this hard to reach area, you’d see more progress changing your diet first and then using exercise as the tool to come in and fine-tune and tone things. And this is true for most people; […]
The Best Advice for Living Longer and Healthier

When I first started this site, my focus was on helping people get healthier and happier. Somewhere along the lines, I ended up laser-focused on weight loss articles and losing body fat. And while these are still good goals to have, I’m a firm believer that getting healthier is the fastest way to lose weight. […]
Everything You Need to Know About Stubborn Belly Fat (Including How to Fix This)

Most of us have it, and yet you probably hate it just as much as the next person does. It’s also the first thing many people want to get rid of any time you start a new exercise or healthy eating plan. I’m talking about stubborn belly fat. The kind that hangs around for way […]
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Time to Do What You Want

Are you struggling to find the time to get things done? For some reason, your to-do list keeps growing yet the time you have to get things done is somehow going down. Wondering what gives? I’ve found 5 issues that could be to blame and that’s exactly what I’m diving into today. I’ll show you […]