How to Create the Life You Want

Are you living your life on autopilot? Not sure what I mean by that? Let me ask you: are you happy with where you are right now in your life? Did you imagine that you’d be sitting where you are today? What about your goals? Have you accomplished most, […]
Want to Lose Fat & Get Leaner? These 10 Tips Will Help

Are you struggling to lose fat? Wondering why you’re not getting any leaner, despite your best efforts? While I can’t personally see you through the screen, I can show you what the most common mistakes are when it comes to losing fat and toning up. I’ve seen these mistakes in some of my former clients […]
How to Use Visualization to Squash Anxiety

Have you ever heard this saying?: “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ― Lao Tzu This one has resonated with me for a few years now and it’s mostly because […]
My Letter to You, My Lovely Reader

Hey guys! Remember me? For those of you who are new here, thanks for joining me today! I’m happy to have you here. But for my readers who have been with me since the beginning, you’re probably thinkin’ um, what the heck happened? Where’ve you been? Since we last spoke, I ran a 10k, finished […]
5 Simple Steps to Enjoy Christmas Even More This Year

We’re five days away from Christmas so I’ll keep things brief today. The holidays can be a crazy, stressful, and hectic time for many of us. Between shopping for the perfect gifts, figuring out what to make, cooking, cleaning, working full-time, things can get a little overwhelming. And because we’re so busy, this time usually […]
How to Tackle Your New Year’s Resolution Before Dec. 31st

It’s not that I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions or anything, it’s just that nothing changes from December 31st to January 1st, except for the calendar date. Just because the date changes doesn’t mean we’re any more disciplined and different than yesterday. This stuff takes time and consistent hard work. And let’s not […]
The 3 Things That Changed My Fitness Game For the Better

I don’t mean to toot my own horn or say this as a humble brag but I’ve been crushing my fitness goals lately. I go to the gym 6-7 days per week and even go on holidays and during vacation. I plan ahead, pack accordingly, and rarely let excuses get in my way. And I’ve […]
How to Shift From a “Can’t” Mentality to “I Got This”

Does this sound like you? I can’t work out, I don’t have the time. I tried diets and healthy eating before and I just can’t seem to make it work. Whenever I’m around chocolate or sweets, I can’t control myself. I can’t afford to do that. Did you spot the recurring theme of “can’t” in […]
66 Quotes That Will Definitely Get Your Butt in Gear

Do you ever feel stuck? Maybe it started out as a bad day that spiraled into a bad week or maybe the last few months were rough. Or maybe you just have this gut instinct that you’re in a rut where you don’t feel like your usual self — you’re exhausted yet […]
What the Health: My Final Nudge to Go Plant-Based… Again

Full disclosure: I’m usually the last person in the world to watch anything popular on TV. I get major ADD and can barely sit through a movie. But this time was different. I kept hearing the hype all over Facebook and it totally piqued my interest. The “it” I’m referring to is a recently launched […]
Want To Be Happy? Stop Doing These 3 Things

If you pay close enough attention, you’ll see that the Universe is constantly sending you little reminders. Some are obvious. While others require more nudging. This little red book was the nudge I didn’t know I needed. To backtrack a bit, before I stepped into Barnes and Noble, I wasn’t looking for any books in […]
What I Learned from Going 100 Days Alcohol-Free

How many times have you woken up after a night of drinking and felt like total shit? You vow that you’ll never touch that stuff again as the pounding sensation in your head intensifies. Maybe you’ve even experienced these crappy feelings after one or two glasses of wine. The morning after is just awful. You […]
Stressed to the max? Your Diet is Making Things Worse

Does this sound like you? When I wake up, I feel exhausted instead of refreshed Coffee is my fuel of choice, at least two cups per day too My mind never stops racing. I’m constantly thinking about what’s stressing me out. I’m trying to eat healthy but I’m too stressed out Work has me overworked […]
How to Bounce Back When Sh!t Hits the Fan (Even When It Feels Hopeless)

Let’s talk about Murphy’s Law. Most of us know it and have unfortunately dealt with it more than once in our lives. “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” One day you’re running on autopilot feeling like you have this whole adulting thing covered and the next thing you know….BAM. Sh!t hits the fan. […]
Good Intentions Are Not Enough to Achieve What You Want in Life

Have you ever started a new workout program or diet only to last a few days before throwing in the towel? You promise yourself that this time would be different. And that those other attempts weren’t the right fit. So you forge ahead on this new path only to find out it’s miserable. It’s tough, […]