Hate Counting Calories? Here’s A Better Approach

Raise your hand if you hate tracking your food and counting calories. I’ve personally tried it a handful of times and it gets far too time consuming and becomes an obsession of did I log my food yet? Most of us are far too busy for this and our hectic schedules don’t leave much room […]
How to Optimize Your Body Type for a Better Figure

What if I told you that, no matter how hard you tried, if you don’t optimize your food and exercise plan to your specific body type, you may not see success despite your hard work? This could explain why you’ve tried so many diets and exercise plans yet none of them seem to do the […]
How to Hold Yourself Accountable Even When You Don’t Want To

Why is it so hard for us to do the things we know we should be doing? Eat healthy. Workout. Get enough sleep. The formula is simple yet we drag our feet and make excuses left and right. And it doesn’t have to be just these three areas either. It can extend to work, creating […]
The Subtle Signs in Language You’ll See in Depressed People

With the deaths of famous mega star creators, Avicii, Kate Spade, and Anthony Bourdain, depression and suicide are back in the spotlight. Questions like, “How could they do this? Their life seemed so perfect,” and, “How come no one saw it coming?” surface, and for good reason. Suicides like these, and other ones in general, […]
6 All-Natural Practices I Swear By

You know how Homegoods and TJ Maxx are the type of stores that show you things you didn’t know you needed? That’s what today’s guide is like. Except, you won’t spend your whole paycheck here. But you’ll probably need these strategies just the same. I’m diving into six of my favorites to help you feel […]
The #1 Thing That Can Shorten Your Life

Did you know that a 1 hour difference in sleep can either lead to a 24% increase in heart attacks or a decrease by 21%? Or that not getting enough sleep can turn on genes that produce cancerous tumors? You probably already know just how important sleep is. But, my guess is you didn’t realize […]
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Time to Do What You Want

Are you struggling to find the time to get things done? For some reason, your to-do list keeps growing yet the time you have to get things done is somehow going down. Wondering what gives? I’ve found 5 issues that could be to blame and that’s exactly what I’m diving into today. I’ll show you […]
How to Create the Life You Want

Are you living your life on autopilot? Not sure what I mean by that? Let me ask you: are you happy with where you are right now in your life? Did you imagine that you’d be sitting where you are today? What about your goals? Have you accomplished most, […]
How to Use Visualization to Squash Anxiety

Have you ever heard this saying?: “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ― Lao Tzu This one has resonated with me for a few years now and it’s mostly because […]
How To Deal With The Toxic People In Your Life

In a perfect world, you’d be able to eliminate all of the toxic people in your life. Sounds heavenly doesn’t it? No more drama. No more energy drains. No more commitments with people you don’t like. Sadly, that’s just not the world we live in though. The fact is toxic people will come into and […]
5 Simple Steps to Enjoy Christmas Even More This Year

We’re five days away from Christmas so I’ll keep things brief today. The holidays can be a crazy, stressful, and hectic time for many of us. Between shopping for the perfect gifts, figuring out what to make, cooking, cleaning, working full-time, things can get a little overwhelming. And because we’re so busy, this time usually […]
How to Tackle Your New Year’s Resolution Before Dec. 31st

It’s not that I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions or anything, it’s just that nothing changes from December 31st to January 1st, except for the calendar date. Just because the date changes doesn’t mean we’re any more disciplined and different than yesterday. This stuff takes time and consistent hard work. And let’s not […]
The Powerful Reason Why Being Happy is Not Enough These Days

What do you think makes people unhappy? A horrible upbringing? An unfulfilled career or marriage? Lack of confidence? You could insert so many answers here. But I’d guess that 99% of them would be wrong. Luckily, I’m sharing the correct answer in today’s article. It’s one that I stumbled upon thanks to Emily Esfahani Smith’s […]
You Need This to Have a Good Life, According to Science

75 years ago, researchers decided to track the lives of 724 men throughout their lifetime to see what it takes to live a good life. (btw, this study is still going strong after 75+ years) One of the questions they wanted to answer was: what keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? […]
How to Shift From a “Can’t” Mentality to “I Got This”

Does this sound like you? I can’t work out, I don’t have the time. I tried diets and healthy eating before and I just can’t seem to make it work. Whenever I’m around chocolate or sweets, I can’t control myself. I can’t afford to do that. Did you spot the recurring theme of “can’t” in […]